School Fundraising With Byron Pizza :

Byron Pizza is proud to announce our new adopt a school program. 

Adopt a School
Byron Pizza will adopt your school for one night. We will donate $5.00 for each family special ordered, right back to the school.
Family Special Two medium or two large pizzas with 2 toppings on each pizza.

Mediums: $34.99 Larges: $44.49

Plus choose ONE of the following sides included with your order...

-   Large Caesar Salad
-   Small Garlic Strips
-   Two Litre Coke Product

Simply send flyers home with the students stating the day of the adoption (please a Monday, Tuesday or a Wednesday night only) and how the school will benefit. When calling in their pizza order that night, school supporters only need to say I'm supporting ____________ school. We will then automatically donate $5.00 of that order. It's that easy.

If you have any concerns, questions or would like to schedule this event please feel free to contact us.

Sports Team Fundraising:

Byron Pizza is proud to announce our new team fundraising program. 

Sell Our Fundraising Booklet To Raise Funds For Your Sports Team!

The fundraising booklets each sell for $20 and includes $40 in value for customers. Each booklet sold will earn the team $10.

Please email Davin at for more details!

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